A Hilarious Hypnotic Event

The show creates fans, repeat customers and loyal followers. Boris delivers perfection on stage and behind the scenes, thus seeing the same bokers repeatedly. It is one of the simplest productions to put on and requires minimal staff. Fun meet-and-greets and media interviews.
Audiences will laugh uncontrollably, while their friends, relatives and co-workers perform on stage. Boris is a comedian and acts as director of events. The show fits perfectly into the comedy series or a regulal season performance. Audiences rave and respond with standing ovations. Book this show now! Hypnotists worldwide regard Boris as a leader in the field that creates this amazing experience.
Responses to hypnotic suggestions are unique. Boris makes the unexpected look naturally funny and improvisational. He keeps the show moving in fast pace, musical, paying attention to every detail and participant.
Witness a master showman, who gets the audience to participate in the show and interact with each other. The performance captivates from the moment Boris steps on stage and does not let go until the curtain goes down.